K2K | Artists to Kids in Need
In April 2023 the Swiss Association Empowering Underprivileged Children together with Lechbinska Gallery launches a special charity art auction in order to raise funds and support a charity initiative Kinderhilfe Kambodscha e.V. (KKeV) in Cambodia.

KKeV has a children's village for up to 100 children and a street children program that provides school support for up to 120 street children.

The first edition of K2K Charity Auction is realized in cooperation with Astrid Krehan, an artist and photographer living and working in Zurich. The artist and the organizing partners renounce their commission in order to support the charity initiative in Cambodia.

In addition to the appreciation of the art, we will also offer an accompanying exhibition program. The different events are geared to convey relevant knowledge of Cambodia‘s history, culture, economics and current issues and to help create a cohesive community of those ones, that wish to empower underprivileged children in Cambodia.

April 19-29
April 19-29
KKEV Exhibition & Art Lots Preview
Lechbinska Gallery, Zurich, as well as ONLINE
Mühlebachstrasse 12
Fr-Sa 12-18h + upon appointment
April 19
April 19
Welcome & Introduction by Claudia Suessmuth Dyckerhoff, KKEV Cambodia & EUC, the gallerist Julia Lechbinska, & the artist Astrid Krehan
April 22
Doors open at 15.30
April 22
Doors open at 15.30
Kambodscha: Land der Businessmöglichkeiten
Christoph Janensch, Arbeitskreis Deutsche Wirtschaft (ADW)/Europäische Handelskammer Kambodscha per Zoom
More details on the lecture here.
April 24
April 24
Leprakontrolle in Cambodia
PD Dr. Peter Steinmann, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
More details on the lecture here.
April 25
April 25
Armut, Arbeit, Alltag. Einblicke in die kambodschanische Gesellschaft.
Dr. Kathrin Eitel, University of Zurich
More details on the lecture here.
April 29
Doors open at 15.30
April 29
Doors open at 15.30
Auctioning of the artworks
Lechbinska Gallery, Zurich, as well as ONLINE
The auction is preceded by an interview with Phearak Sok, country manager of KKEV Cambodia since 2016. More details on the lecture here.
Event Registration
People behind the initiative
  • Claudia Süssmuth Dyckerhoff
    Founder of EUC
  • Julia Lechbinska
  • Astrid Krehan
Together with the artist Astrid Krehan and the gallery owner Julia Lechbinska, we have born the idea to establish Artists to Kids in Need as a regular forum, to create a community of people who want to support our children in KKEV Cambodia.
Stephan, my husband, and I have been engaged in and supported KKEV Cambodia for many years – the initial connection came through its founder Michael Weiss, Stephan’s uncle. Since 2008 we supported the funding of some children in the village on an annual base, and our sons supported different projects like the fundraising of the football field, etc. We visited the organization regularly and always were impressed by the local team and the positive emotions that the local kids shared with us. With Michael Weiss turning 83, we have taken over the baton from him and committed ourselves to securing the long-term existence of KKEV Cambodia. What is different now is an even higher sense of accountability: we want KKEV Cambodia to thrive – both, the village that gives a permanent home to up to 100 Children as well as the street children program that supports the academic education of up to 120 kids from the nearby slums.

Using art we want to bring people together and start a dialogue about the current challenges of Cambodia. We want to create awareness for the situation of the many children who, without support, would have neither a safe and stable environment nor access to schooling. And we would like to show possibilities of how one can get involved, be it through donations, sponsorships or by organizing an event to collect funds, all to help secure the long-term existence of KKEV Cambodia.

Together with the artist Astrid Krehan and the gallery owner Julia Lechbinska, we have born the idea to establish 'Artists to kids in need' as a regular forum, to create a community of people who want to support our children in KKEV Cambodia. We look forward to you joining the journey ahead of us and be part of the KKEV Cambodia community.
Michael Weiss was bringing underprivileged children from slums and rural areas to the national museums and to the destinations of ancient architecture so that the children learn their own culture and tradition.
My initial motivation to co-organize and host K2K Charity Auction was surely the idea to be able to influence children’s life with the help of art. Last year we organized two charity art auctions raising funds for children in Ukraine (UNICEF).

After getting to know more about KKEV Cambodia, I was impressed by the core idea of the foundation. From the first days its founder, Michael Weiss, was bringing underprivileged children from slums and rural areas to the national museums and to the destinations of ancient architecture so that the children learn their own culture and tradition. He encouraged the children not only to design houses for their KKEV Village but insisted on using indigenous knowledge and technologies suitable for their climatic conditions. This game-changing methodology contrasts with the colonial times when the Western perspective was imposed on the rest of the world.

Continuing this successful experience we can preserve our beautiful and diverse world together, and hopefully make it a bit better during our lifetime.
With my move to Switzerland, I am delighted that I am able to continue this work with KKEV and support local kids in Cambodia, helping them to find a path to a brighter future.
My journey as an artist started in Shanghai with no intention of ever exhibiting my work. It was just for myself until a friend of mine who was the executive director of a local charity organization developed the idea of having an exhibition with my works for her annual charity fundraiser. I was a little reluctant at the start but the idea of being able to help and support local kids find their way out of poverty through education very much attracted my attention.

Over the years the event kept growing and established itself as an annual social function and I was very happy that I was able to support these kids in need through my work.

With my move to Switzerland, I am delighted that I am able to continue this work with KKEV and support local kids in Cambodia, helping them to find a path to a brighter future.
Michael Weiss
Interview with Michael Weiss, founder of KKEV Cambodia
Astrid Krehan
Astrid Krehan is a contemporary photo artist born in Nuremberg, Germany. Her works convert everyday objects into abstract images characterized by high saturation and bright colours. Her photography is focused on capturing the fine details of a surface and enhancing them to show texture, patterns and forms. All this is intensified thanks to the strong colours.

Astrid plays with the camera getting different combinations of light and colour. These results create abstract images. In fact, when in front of these photos they look like paintings. The intensifying of the details leads the viewer to perceive them as canvas and brushstrokes.
How Bidding and Fixed Prices works

Maximum Bid/Pre-Bid

Before the live auction on April 29, we offer you to place your max bid

Instead of incrementally bidding in a live auction, you can use the maximum bid feature. This represents the absolute highest price you are willing to pay for a lot.

You should determine beforehand the most you are willing to pay for an item and our system will act as a proxy bidder in your absence during a live auction. Incremental bids will automatically be placed on your behalf, beginning at the lowest increment, and without going higher than your maximum bid.

If you get outbid by another client, you’ll be notified via email or push notifications in order to give you the opportunity to increase your bid.

If two different bidders enter the same maximum bid, we will prioritize the bid which was entered first.

The maximum bid does not determine the sum you will pay - just the limit of what you are ready to pay.

This solution is good if:

  • You can not participate in the live auction

Live Bidding

During the live auction on April 29, you can place real-time bids for the open lot

You can participate in the auction online, in the room, by telephone, or by placing a maximum bid in advance.

Live bids are accepted only for the open lot, from the moment it opens until it is closed (sold or passed) by the auctioneer.

For Assistance with Bidding

Phone: +41 43 243 71 06

E-mail: info@lechbinska.gallery

Fixed Prices

We introduce the fixed price option for the exhibition period April 19 to April 28, 24 hours before the live auction. This is a unique model combining private sales and a live auction in one format.

What is the “fixed price” option?

In line with the commonly provided estimates and starting prices for the lots, we offer you an additional option – skip the bidding and buy at a fixed price. This option allows the most desiring collector to buy the artwork directly.

Is there a risk that the same artwork will be acquired by several bidders?

No, to eliminate such risks – once you confirm the fixed price sale, no one else can buy. It remains blocked for 3 working days allowing you to proceed with payment.

If you do not provide proof of payment within this period, your order is automatically withdrawn and the artwork again become available to all. Once you paid, the lot is marked as sold and is withdrawn from bidding.

What happens if a lot is sold before the live bidding starts?

In case the lot was purchased at a fixed before the auction, it will not be available for bidding during the live auction.

Can I use the function anytime?

No. For timed auctions, the option closes 24 hours before the the live bidding opens.


Projects that need your support
  • Rebuilding the teachers’ house
    The teachers’ house was damaged by the surrounding waters which created leveling issues in the ground and caused massive cracks in the foundation. The teachers’ house had served as staff accommodation; it also hosted a
    Computer classroom and the library. Since the house can no longer be used, everything had to be moved to other buildings.

    Plan: De-construct the building and reuse the reusable parts (such as windows, door, roof tiles, toilets, etc) of the building; rearrange the previous working areas elsewhere; reuse the site of the teachers’ house after a clean removal.

    Budget: USD 5'445
  • Expanding vegetable farming
    The village is operating on 3.5 hectare of land surrounded by a long pond. The geography is very favorable for a vegetable farming project. Due to a lack of fertilizer and modern equipment the land’s potential cannot be fully exploited and vegetable is only grown on a rather small size of land. The vegetable gardening project also helps to educate the children about the environment and nature as well as teach them to be patient and responsible for their daily duties. The children water, weed, and care for the plants every day and they take great pride in the results. The children are happy with the project and want to keep growing different vegetables after each harvest.

    Plan: Increase the coverage of the village’s annual vegetable consumption from currently 36% to 50-60%.

    Budget: USD 15'000
  • Expanding fish farming
    The village is operating on 3.5 hectares of land surrounded by a long pond. The geography is very favorable for fish farming. Due to a lack of sufficient fish food, the pond’s full potential cannot be exploited, only small fish can be raised.
    The fish farming project helps to reduce the cost of buying fish from the market. Besides that, the fish farming project helps to educate the children about livelihood and teaches them to be patient and responsible for their daily duties. The children help feed the fish every day and they take great pride in the results.

    Plan: Increase the coverage of the village’s annual fish consumption from currently 35% to 60-70%.

    Budget: USD 25'000
  • Building a playground
    During Kindergarten the children mainly learn about playing, singing and practicing some activities such as drawing and painting to get relationship between school, environment, and social relationships.
    Playgrounds are important for the children playing every day in order to build up their relationship with their friends, learn to build team work, build their self-confidence, enjoy learning, good collaboration with each other, learn to deal with conflicts, improve their thinking, develop their physics and emotional mindset and so on.
    Currently, KKEV Cambodia has some old swings and a pyramid field for smaller children to play every day, but some parts of them are old and broken and can no longer be fixed.

    Also the Street Children Program (SCP) center which is located in Sen Sok Community that is running the education program for the children in the community there, is lacking playgrounds for our children to play when they come to study.

    Install one set each for the children’s village and for Street Children Program of
    • An outdoor sledge
    • An outdoor playground swing
    • An outdoor trampoline
    Budget: USD 10'000
  • Building a basketball court
    Currently, KKEV Cambodia has a football pitch which enables children to play football, volleyball and do some other activities such as Khmer traditional games, parties, and so on. However, the football pitch cannot be used to play basketball because basketball needs to be played in a concrete court where players can bound the ball with high reflection. KKEV Cambodia has a good space where we can install a good basketball court for boys and girls to play during their free time.

    Plan: Buying the materials to install the basketball court by our staff

    Budget: USD 6'500
  • Books for the students’ library
    The current library has a very limited amount of books available for children and staff

    Plan: Set up a library for the Street Children Program
    - Buying bookshelves, tables and chairs
    - Buying books

    Improve the current library of the children’s village
    - Buying more bookshelves
    - Buying more books

    Budget: USD 5'000
  • University education
    The KKEV University Education Program aims to provide academic education to good and hardworking students for self-sufficient and sustainable futures, motivate them to think big and contribute to the human resource development of higher education in Cambodia.

    The first scholarship holder will be PAV Maneth who came to KKEV Cambodia in 2014. Maneth is keen to pursue a degree in English literature, his career ambition is to work in tourism and become a tour guide. He is a tutor for Maths and Khmer language to younger children and likes to work in his vegetable garden and raise chicken, which allows him to save up some money for his university studies. With his dedication and hard work, the support from donors and the KKEV Cambodia team, we strongly believe he will be successful in receiving his bachelor degree and find a qualified job matching his interests.

    • Maneth will graduate from school completing 12th grade in November
    • His university studies will begin in 2024 and end with graduation in 2028

    Budget: USD 13'000

When you would like to contribute to the development of any of these particular projects, please make a bank transfer with a reference to the project number and title.

Empower Underprivileged Children Association

c/o Kellerhals Carrard KIG, 8001 Zurich

CH25 8080 8004 6742 2886 4


Raiffeisen Schweiz Genossenschaft

Thank you so much for your support!