Kinderhilfe Kambodscha e.V.

The Kinderhilfe Kambodscha e.V. (KKe.V.) was registered in September 2004 under the number VR 4153 at the district court in Aachen and is recognized as non-profit and charitable organization.

All donations raised by Kinderhilfe Kambodscha e.V. in Aachen/ Germany exclusively benefit KKEV Cambodia, an international non-governmental organization founded and financed by KKeV Germany in Cambodia. Kinderhilfe Kambodscha eV. in Germany controls the use of donations.


We help children to find their way out of poverty and to develop into self-determined adults -but that cannot be done without our team of employees, volunteers and partners.

Our principals
Protection and Respect

  • about 570.000 children in Cambodia are orphaned
  • 80% of Cambodia's population lives on less than 2 US$ per day
  • 30+% of children suffer from malnutrition
  • 36% of children have to work
  • 22% of children cannot attend school
from Kinderhilfe Kambodschas' village
Leaving domestic violence
We would like to introduce PHUN BORA, wo spent a large part of his childhood in the village of Kinderhilfe Kambodscha - together with three of his siblings. The four of them experienced domestic violence and malnutrition at home and finally found a peaceful home at our village.
Today, Bora is a successful Marketing Designer and lives a happy and independent life.
Abandoned as half-orphan
We would like to introduce OEUN SOKLY, a half-orphan who experienced a childhood of hunger and forced labor, before she was abandoned by her mother. Despite never visiting a school before she came to live at our children's village at age 13, Sokly caught up with her education, graduated school and has found her dream profession that enables her to support herself today.